Green Washing: everything I use to do laundry.

Did you see what I did there?!!! I am the biggest fan of puns, but I’m really bad at thinking of them myself! I only make like 3 a year, so you better appreciate..

I appreciate this picture looks very random with no context..

Anyway, I should’ve posted about this months ago, because it’s the simplest thing ever! My laundry routine is so simple I didn’t even think about writing about it haha. I basically use 3 products, none of which have to be replaced regularly.

Stain removal.


I’m a messy gal. I’m always spilling food on myself. I’m that person who manages to spill a drop of curry SLAP BANG on the white stripe of my t-shirt when it could’ve gone anywhere else! Whenever I do stain a piece of clothing, I dab or spray the area a little with water, then rub my Living Naturally stain remover stick over it and immediately put it in the washing machine. I bought this stick at least 3 years ago now, and it’s barely worn down at all! Gonna last me an absolute age, and it does the job wonderfully!



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I’ll admit I only learned about microfibres in the last few months, but it’s a bit of a bleak picture. Synthetic clothes shed small fibres into the waterways when we wash them. Microfibres make up 85% of human-made debris on shorelines around the world, so it’s a huge problem (read more here). One thing you can do to prevent microfibre pollution is to stop wearing clothes made from synthetic materials- which I’ve managed to do for the majority of my wardrobe- but if you do still have some, I’d recommend getting a Guppy Friend washing bag. What this bag does is collect the microfibres released! Every so often, collect up the fluff you see in the corners and pop them in the bin- done! the photo at the top is the fluff I took out of my guppy friend this week.



As for what I actually use to wash my clothes, I opted for an Ecoegg. I’ve been using it for upwards of 3 years now, and it’s the literal best on soo many levels. It’s natural, fully recyclable, cheap and easy to use, (just pop it in the drum with your clothes) and requires very little maintenance. You can read my full review here for more details 🙂


Always always line dry! In the summer I hang my clothes up in the sun outside, but equally in the winter I drape my things over every radiator, rack and bannister I can find! Obviously this takes a little longer, but it’s better for your clothes and the environment.


That’s it! These swaps were so easy, it’s actually simpler to be eco-conscious than not! Thinking back to how I had to buy liquid tabs and fabric softener and chemical stain remover spray every month to keep my clothes clean, it feels like a world away from the effortless thang I’ve got going on right now!